
关于轮胎论文范文资料 和以展为媒进军巴西轮胎和橡胶市场相关毕业论文的格式范文

版权:原创标记原创 主题:轮胎范文 类别:论文范文 2024-03-30



由巴西Francal Feirase E Empreendimentos Ltda公司主办、中国化工信息中心独家代理的第13届巴西国际轮胎橡胶工业展览会将于2018年6月26-28日在巴西圣保罗再次举办.展会由巴西轮胎及机械展(Recaufair Pneushow 2018)与巴西国际橡胶技术及设备展(Expobor 2018)两大板块组成,迄今已成功举办了12届.从1996年创办以来,Recaufair-Pneu Show就成为了主导行业发展和市场发展趋势的前沿展会之一,Expobor现已也已成为巴西领先的橡胶技术及机械展,展会的影响力直接覆盖巴西、阿根廷、智利、巴拉圭、乌拉圭、墨西哥等国家,并辐射至海地区.

第13届巴西轮胎及机械展(Recaufair Pneushow 2018)是巴西及周边国家唯一一个专注于轮胎、轮胎翻新、轮胎回收及相关服务的展览会.受到巴西轮胎政策的影响,越来越多的外来品牌停止了进军巴西国的脚步,但是在巴西国内,越来越多的本土品牌被扶持而发展迅猛,巴西开始大批量有针对性地进口轮胎制造机械及相关辅机,以充实本国的工业实力.

第13届巴西国际橡胶技术及设备展(Expobor 2018)是巴西及南美地区规模最大,质量最高的橡胶技术及设备类的展会.2016年的展会吸引了大批中国橡胶机械、橡胶化学品、橡胶制品的生产商前去参展并取得了良好的贸易效果,也让越来越多的橡胶产业链上的中国企业开始认识到,南美市场是一块未开发的热土,还有极大的市场开拓空间.



强强联合,共同推进两国贸易往来.巴西和中国分别是金砖国家中的亚洲和南美洲新兴市场投资代表,证明了两国市场的巨大潜力.而中国对外经贸发展具有很强的政治导向性,这决定了中国对巴西的经贸发展才刚开始随着金砖国家间的交流逐渐兴起,现正处于上升的阶段.中国化工信息中心展览事业部主承办国内外多个化工行业专业展会已有二十五年,积累了深厚的办展经验和客户资源,而Francal Feirase E Empreendimentos Ltda公司作为巴西最大的展会主办方,拥有丰厚的展会组织经验,在南美的地区举办一系列高端专业性展会.双方之间的合作将可以最大程度地帮助企业进行海外市场扩展,不断发现新商机.

Recaufair Pneushow 2018 and Expobor 2018, organized by Brazil Francal Feirase E Empreendimentos Ltda, will take stage on 26-28 June, 2018. Francal Feirase E Empreendimentos Ltda as one of the Latin America’s largest and most traditional trade fairs organizers is recognized for the high quality and professionali of its events. For nearly five decades, the fairs and events of its portfolio contribute to the strengthening of important sectors of the Brazilian economy and expand business opportunities and relationships between different players.

Since the 1st exhibition in 1996, Recaufair-Pneushow has become one of forward edge exhibitions that leads the tire industry development, it is the biggest exhibition for tire, tire retread, tire recovery and other related services in Latin America.According to statistics of 2012, there were more than 5,000 million cars and 320, 000 trucks in Brazil, which is a mass market for tires. Chinese companies can also seize local opportunities, especially when China and Brazil both are BRICS countries and he a close trade relationship with each other.

Expobor is Latin America′s biggest fair of the industry and an important generator of business opportunities. The event gathers together companies of equipment, machines, inputs and products□English Editor/Celion Su

and services destined to the rubber industry. To meet the visitors ‘demands, Expobor developed more and more sectors, such us: technology, laboratory research, compound analysis, recycling, and raw material areas.

Recaufair Pneushow 2018 and Expobor 2018 aim to set a platform for professionals and entrepreneurs of the automotive, rubber articles, footwear, electronics, tires, oil, steel, machines and components industries, among others. The technical program with the support of the Brazilian Congress of Rubber Technology further demonstrates the importance of this market.

As the exclusive Chinese agent for Recaufair Pneushow 2018 and Expobor 2018, China National Chemical Information Center (CNCIC) is a world-famous chemical information provider. CNCIC Exhibition has a professional team of trade shows organizing, planning, recruiting, design and operating and has organized many professional exhibitions all over the world with its strong resource network. After 20 years of development, CNCIC exhibition business has won wide acclaim and praise from home and abroad and keeps growing, and it looks forward to meeting exhibitors in the Brazilian exhibitions.


