
关于万圣夜你不知道的类学术论文怎么写 和万圣夜你不知道的那些事相关学术论文怎么写

版权:原创标记原创 主题:万圣夜你不知道的范文 类别:毕业论文 2024-02-13



When most people think of Halloween, they think of trick—or—treating, parades[游行], bobbing[咬住悬挂物] for apples, and other family friendly activities. But, betyou didn’t know the true story behind the ancient origins[起源] of Halloween.

It all goes back some 2,000 years to the ancient Celtic festival known asSamhain, celebrated on November 1st. On the night before Samhain, people believedthat the dead returned as ghosts. They would lee food and wine on their doorstepsto keep roaming spirits at bay [阻止……前进], and wear masks when they left thehouse so they would be mistaken for fellow ghosts.

The Christian church turned Samhain into All Saints’Day, or All Hallows, inthe 8th century. The night before became All Hallows’Eve, later shortened to Hal-loween. You’ve heard of trick-ortreating on Halloween, but what about“souling”or“guising[伪装]”? All three of these traditions originated in Medieval Britain.

On All Souls’Day, November 2nd, the needy would beg for pastries[酥皮糕点]known as soul cakes. In return, they would pray for peoples’dead relatives. This wascalled“souling.”

In the Medieval Halloween tradition of“guising,”young people would dress up incostume and accept food, wine, money and other offerings in exchange for singing,reciting poetry or telling jokes.

In 19th century America, Irish and Scottish immigrants [移民] revived [使复兴]these old traditions. The result was trick-or-treating. At first it was much more aboutthe tricks, in the form of pranks[恶作剧] and hijinks[喧闹的玩乐], than the treats. Itwasn’t until the 1950s that the custom took on its current familyfriendly kid-centeredform.

Today, Halloween is big business, with US consumers [消费者] spending morethan 2.5 billion on costumes annually[一年一次]. Add in the candy and it’s estimated[估计] that Americans spend up to six billion on Halloween each year, making it thesecond-most commercial[商业的] holiday after Christmas.

So whether you’re a fan of tricks, treats or trivia [琐事], there’s a bit of Hal-loween history…we bet you didn’t know.(laughing)

如果你住在外国,每年10 月31 日晚上,当你看到人们穿上夸张的服饰,化着僵尸妆或鬼怪妆,头上再插把什么的—总之越惊悚越夸张越好—你就知道,万圣夜来了!这几年,万圣节在中国也开始流行起来:万圣节服装热卖,万圣夜派对遍地开花;尤其是主题公园,要是不在当天推出一两个精心策划的万圣节活动,别人还以为贵公园已经关门谢客了呢.



一切要回到两千年前那个古老的凯尔特节日———在 11月 1 日庆祝的萨温节.萨温节前一晚,人们认为死去的人会以鬼魂的形式归来.人们会在门阶放置食物和酒,防止游魂野鬼接近;出门的时候,人们会戴上面具,让鬼魂以为他们是自己人.

公元8世纪,基督教会将萨温节变成诸圣节,或叫万圣节,而节日前一晚就成为了万圣节前夜(All Hallows’Eve),后来简化为万圣夜(Halloween).你听说过万圣夜“不给糖就捣乱”的传统,但你知道“索灵”或“乔装”吗?这三个传统都起源于中世纪的英国.




今天,万圣夜是一门大生意,美国消费者每年在万圣节服装上的开销超过25亿美元.据估计,加上糖果,美国人每年花在万圣夜的钱高达60 亿美元,令万圣节成为继圣诞节后第二大商业节日.



