
家族与介词的搭配用法方面在职研究生论文范文 与different家族和介词的搭配用法方面开题报告范文

版权:原创标记原创 主题:家族与介词的搭配用法范文 类别:期末论文 2024-02-13






在作比较的时候,用in接比较标准,基本句型为:X andY are different inZ.如:

1.a.“Flower" and“flour" are differentin meaning.


b.“Flower" has the same pronunciation as“flour".But they are different in meaning.


c.“Flower" and“flour" differin meaning.


2. There are some subtle differences in meaning.


除了m之外,下面其他介词都是引出比较对象的,基本句型是:X is different from/than/to Y.在这三个介词搭配中,different from是最常见的.如:

3.a.“Flower" is different from“flour" in meaning.

b.“Flower" differs from“flour" in meaning.

注意:由于from是介词,所以different from后面一般接名词、名词短语或其他名词性成分.differ-ent from -般用于区别两者的关系.

different than常用于以下三类情况.

第一类:different than+句子

4. After reading this book, even loyal fans of BruceSpringsteen will think of him differently than they did be-fore.

我们看到,than they did before是一个从句,与differently呼应,than前面并没有比较级出现.此时一般不会把than改成from,说成“…differently fromthey did before”,这是因为from是介词,其后面一般接名词或名词短语,不接句子.than可以作为连词,引导一个句子.

简言之,different from后面接名词,different than后面接句子.

第二类:different than+状语从句(是省略句)


5.a. Related research has found that monkeys ,catsand dogs respond to music that is designed to suit theirvocal frequencies and heart rate (two factors that arethought to make music enjoyable) ,behing differentlythan when no music is played.

我们看到,例句中的differently than后面出现了时间状语从句when no music is played,其实这也是一个省略句,完整的句子形式为:

b ...behing differently than they do when no mu-sic is played.

第三类:different than+介词短语(是省略句)


6. Happiness has gone up for this group,despiteemployment percentages hing fallen, and the percent-ageliving with parents going up. And that´s differentthan for any other group.

这里的第二句话使用了different than,其后接的是介词短语for any other group.第一句话中出现了句子Happiness has gone up for this group,由此可知,第二句话的than前面其实是省略了比较对象forthis group.该句子加入for this group后,可以写成:

a. And that´s different for this group than for anyother group.

其实than后面是省略句,省去了it is,完整的句子结构应为:

b. That´s different for this group than it is for anyother group.

这个搭配是different from的替代形式,使用相当广泛(尤其是在英式英语中).比如,对于上面例1的a句,我们可以改写为下面的句子.

7. "Flower" is different to "flour" in meaning.

8.a. The resources that are valuable in space maybe very different to those we prize on earth.

这里是在比较太空和地球上的“珍稀资源”(valuable resources),我们可以将这个句子改写成:

b. The resources that will be highly valued in spacemay be different from those that are valuable on earth.

对于different from/than/to这三者.different from毫无疑问是最常见的,不论是在英式英语还是在美式英语中,而different than在美式英语中更常见,different to在英式英语中更常见.

对于different from/than/to,两个比较对象一般是分别放在它们前后,但对different between,两个比较对象都是放在between的后面.如:

9. Prepositions and articles are always tough tolearn. But to complicate things,some are different be-tween various Englishes.

这个句子是对各国不同的英语两两进行比较,更常见的用法是名词difference(s)与between搭配,后面接两个比较对象,此用法常见于there be句型,比如there is some difference(s)betweenX andY.如:

10. Is there any difference between the expressionsdifferent from,different than,and different to? Is one ofthe three“more correct" than the others?

注意:这里虽然有三个比较对象(different from,different than和different to),但是由于是分别进行两两比较,所以实际上还是两个比较对象.



